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Jahta Lady Christine

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Jahta Lady Christine Empty Jahta Lady Christine

Postaj by Gost pon 23 lip 2008 - 13:26

Danas naletjeh na malu jahtu imena "Lady Christine". Jahta k'o jahta ali mi je pozornost privukao mali helikopter na krmi.

Prvi dio.

Jahta Lady Christine P6230053

Jahta Lady Christine P6230054

Jahta Lady Christine P6230055

Jahta Lady Christine P6230062

Jahta Lady Christine P6230063

Jahta Lady Christine P6230064

Jahta Lady Christine P6230065

Jahta Lady Christine P6230066

Jahta Lady Christine P6230067

Jahta Lady Christine P6230068


[Vrh] Go down

Jahta Lady Christine Empty Re: Jahta Lady Christine

Postaj by Gost pon 23 lip 2008 - 13:27

Drugi dio.

Jahta Lady Christine P6230069

Jahta Lady Christine P6230070

Jahta Lady Christine P6230072

Jahta Lady Christine P6230073

Jahta Lady Christine P6230078

Jahta Lady Christine P6230079

Jahta Lady Christine P6230080

Jahta Lady Christine P6230082

Jahta Lady Christine P6230084


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Jahta Lady Christine Empty Re: Jahta Lady Christine

Postaj by novi_shef pon 23 lip 2008 - 14:53

Navodno pripada nekom Ircu koji živi u Monte Carlu, a bavi se oglašavanjem. Građena je 2001. ima mjesta za 10 gostiju koje uslužuje 13 članova posade.


Broj postova : 1216
Age : 52
Lokacija : Rijeka
Registration date : 29.02.2008

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Jahta Lady Christine Empty Re: Jahta Lady Christine

Postaj by Gost pon 23 lip 2008 - 15:01

Znao sam da ti imaš te konkretnije podatke pa se nisam štel crvenit pred pučanstvom grinko .


[Vrh] Go down

Jahta Lady Christine Empty Re: Jahta Lady Christine

Postaj by Gost ned 2 stu 2008 - 10:23

Ovu jahtu kada sam prvi put vidio sa Marka Pola tijekom plovidbe te me fascinirala sa svojom velikom brazdom.


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Jahta Lady Christine Empty Re: Jahta Lady Christine

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